Today Palmer Tank & Construction, Inc brings over 100 years of tank building experience to every job. The company was originally founded in 1969 by Jerry Palmer.
“I was at Shell Oil out in Poso Creek and we were just doing some pipelining and painting. The owner told me he had a bad leak down the line and needed to get a hold of a tank company. I told him I’d take a look at it. I drove up there, got out of my truck with two hammers and a wrench. I tapped on it, beat it down, and tightened it up.
The owner says “That’s it? How’d you learn to do that?” I explained to him that I worked for a tank company and my father and brother were general foreman there. I was hired on the spot and told to get some tank crews together. And that’s how I got started in the tank business over 50 years ago.”
We maintain full-time certified safety technicians and equipment required to oversee all construction projects. Our leadership is not only trained with the latest certifications, but we know our equipment is sound and well maintained so our clients never experience downtime from equipment failures.
Every job exceeds even the most demanding OSHA, API, AWWA & NFPA standards.
Palmer Tank & Construction is a recognized leader in bolted bulk storage tanks for oil, potable water, and fire water. We’ve also become a go-to resource for air quality work serving oil, water, and fire protection companies throughout California.

Jerry Palmer / Founder & Owner
In 1969 Jerry Palmer had an idea: re-create the tank industry by leading with customer service first. He knew if he could beat the competition on safety, integrity, and delivery he could make his dream of building a profitable business a reality.
Mr. Palmer started out small with a few helpers, and a clear mission, and over the years grew the company to over 200 employees and did work across the entire globe. In 2012 his dedication to always leading with customer service paid off when the company won the Better Business Bureau Integrity Award for 50 years with no complaints.
Jerry takes pride in running a company that gets it right the first time. Palmer Tank & Construction is committed to bidding the best product including all aspects with no shortcuts to make a bigger profit. Very seldom does the company have back charges, and it stands behind every service and product.